Blood pressure in the blood for blood vessels to unit area of the blood vessel walls, namely the lateral pressure pressure. Due to the vascular points, capillary and venous artery, so, there is also a artery blood pressure, blood capillary pressure and venous blood pressure. Usually said blood pressure is refers to the artery blood pressure. When blood vessels, blood pressure drops; Vascular contraction, elevated blood pressure.
The human body cycle as arterial blood pressure blood pressure. Blood pressure is blood in veins flow, in the role of the blood vessel wall pressure, it is boosting blood flow in veins... Ventricular systolic blood from the ventricular into the artery, at this time, to the highest artery blood pressure, called systolic blood pressure (ventricular diastolic, arterial blood essels, still continue to move slowly flow, but blood pressure drops, at this time of pressure called diastolic blood pressure.
The cycle of human body organs including the heart, blood vessels and the lymphatic system, connected to each other, form between them is basically a closed "piping system". Normal heart is a powerful muscle organs, like a water pump, it constantly, day and night rhythmic beat. Heart a shrinks, keep the blood circulating in flowing in organs. Blood in veins flow, no matter the cardiac systolic or diastolic blood vessel wall, to produce certain pressure. When the heart to contract when the pressure in the arteries, the highest blood called "high pressure"; Left ventricular diastolic pressure in the arteries, minimum, is called "low pressure". Usually, we say "blood pressure" is actually refers to the upper arm, namely, brachial blood pressure of the blood vessels were arm nest, the indirectly measuring blood pressure is artery. Usually we measure blood pressure on the right and to the left of the blood pressure is not the same, highest can differ 10 millimeters of mercury, the minimum varies by five millimeters of mercury.
Normal blood pressure is the premise of the flow of blood circulation, blood pressure in the DuoZhong factors, so as to maintain normal adjustment provide organizations with enough health, organ through to maintain normal metabolism. High blood pressure is too low blood pressure (hypotension, high blood pressure) can cause serious consequences, and blood pressure disappear is death precursors, this explains the blood pressure has extremely important biological significance.
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