Complete with digital digital signal arithmetic and logic operations of the circuit is called a digital circuit, or digital systems. Because of its logical and logical processing, also known as digital logic circuits. Modern digital circuit made by the semiconductor process is constructed from a number of digital integrated device. Digital logic gates are the basic unit. Memory is used to store binary data in digital circuits. Overall, digital circuits can be divided into combinational logic circuits and sequential logic circuits into two categories. The development of digital circuits From the previous description, we have learned that digital circuits based on binary digital logic-based, the operating signal is the discrete digital signal. Electronic circuit switching transistor operating in the state, sometimes turn, sometimes cut-off. The development of digital circuits and analog circuits, as experienced by the tubes, semiconductor discrete devices to integrated circuits, and several other times. But its development faster than the analog circuit development. From the 1960s, digital bipolar integrated devices with a small craft made of logic devices. Then developed to the size of logic devices; the late 1970s, the microprocessor, so that the performance of digital integrated circuits a qualitative leap. Digital integrated device used to silicon-based materials, high-speed circuits, compound semiconductor materials are also used, such as gallium arsenide. Logic gate is a digital logic circuit is an important element in the circuit. TTL logic gates come out earlier, the process through continuous improvement, are still one of the major basic logic. With the development of CMOS technology, TTL's dominant position has been shaken, CMOS devices have been replaced by the trend. In recent years, programmable logic devices PLD, especially field-programmable gate array FPGA rapid progress, the digital electronic technology to create a new situation, not only large, but also hardware and software combine to make the device more functions, the use of more flexible.
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