Reasonable adjustments to breathe is the basic factor in healthy living. Inhalation through the lungs the body of adequate oxygen supply, can promote blood circulation and the heart, so that more energy is sent to the blood flow to various parts of the body, so that our body to keep fresh and energetic. Hatha yoga is pranayama and asana reasonable integration of yoga. "Ha" means sun, that Chinese medicine, "Yang" of energy; "up" means that the moon, that Chinese "Yin." Hatha yoga refers to the combination of two forces of yin and yang, or together, to achieve balance. Hatha Yoga in the exercise along with deep breathing, more oxygen is absorbed into the body, slowly gathering energy, relieve muscle fatigue and pain, and each position has its own unique medical effects, the right to the body for nourishing and lubricating, while the body of hardness and softness, the best condition. Hatha Yoga and relaxation through centralized nervous system, control people's emotions, to maintain good blood circulation, the body is constantly circulating in the blood continue to get all the required nutrients, to reduce the incidence of anemia and other disorders.
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