Qigong is a kind of breathing adjustment, the adjustment of physical activity and awareness of the adjustment (regulation of breath, tone shape, aligning) as a means to physical fitness, disease prevention, fitness sickness, for the purpose of developing a potential kinds of physical and mental training methods. Qigong wide range of work can be divided into dynamic and static power. Dynamic exercise is dominated by the activities of the body qigong, such as the main guide to send to dynamic exercise is characterized by a combination of emotional stresses and physical operations. The static power is the body does not move, rely on awareness, breathing qigong for self-control. Qigong is mostly white movement. Religion, the Taoist priests often practice guidance, elixir qigong, Buddhism, meditation, Qigong meditation is also included. Qigong often practice together with the martial arts or meditation. The Chinese practice of acupuncture qigong often to improve through practice effect.
Qigong Qigong is unique to the Chinese people, Chinese medicine theory as the core content of the guidance of the "transfer spirit" of the practice.
Qigong has a long history in China, the contents of qigong is often called in ancient medicines, guide, Qi, convinced, alchemy, monasticism, meditation and more. There are few records in ancient books, "Qigong" word, and occasionally a "qigong" was, nor a complete explanation.
Until the 50s of this century, Liu Guizhen in the "practice of Qigong Therapy," a book written: "'Air' is the word here on behalf of the meaning of breathing, 'power' words is to continually adjust the breathing and posture exercises ... ..." General that "Qigong," the word has since been identified and spread. Some information will be translated into foreign Qigong "deep breathing exercises," the domestic is also true that some books copied, apparently did not realize the true meaning of Qigong, in fact, Qigong, including breathing, body potential, ideas three types of means, and each type of There are many training methods, take a deep breath just one of many ways a breathing exercise. Be seen that the definition of Qigong interpreted as "take a deep breath training methods", is too one-sided the.
In fact, the ancient health home that "prana" and "gas" are two different concepts. Popular, the "prana" is the body's innate energy initially, and "gas" refers to breathing and eating through the day after the energy produced. The Qigong exercises are mainly acquired through breathing and other methods to connect birth "prana" to achieve the health fitness, longevity effect.
From medical point of view if the definition of Qigong: Qigong is a self-training through the transfer of God, make their own air-training methods to become coordinated.
As the science forward, we can use knowledge of modern science to understand Qigong, it will be more to deepen our understanding of the real qigong.
If the medicine from the perspective of modern behavior, Qigong exercise is conducive to physical and mental health of a benign behavior of learning and training, the ultimate way to fix the conditioned behavior therapy.
If from the Qigong role of mental physiological processes look at it, you can qigong is defined as: mainly through the use of self implied as the core means to promote consciousness into the self-hypnotic state, through the mental - physical - forms from the adjustment mechanism Tiaozheng physical and mental balance, to the purpose of self-healing fitness training methods.
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