Redirection spoken parts in an opera is through various methods will various network request to decide a direction turn to other positions.
Such as: a web page redirection routing changes are also on data message via the path of a redirection
In our website construction, often encounter need web redirection of circumstance: like website adjustment, such as changing web directory structure, web pages, be moved to a new address, again or, web extension change, if for applications requiring the... Html or PHP into SHTML, in this case, if not to do redirection, the user favorites or search engine database old address can only let access customer will also get a 404 page error messages, visit flow wasted; Be like again some registered a multiple domain website, also needs through redirection let access these domain users automatically jump to ZhuZhanDian, etc.
Detailed introduction
Commonly used redirection means has: : 301 redirect, 302 redirect and meta fresh.
301 redirect: : 301 represents a permanent shift, 301 redirect is a web page change addresses to search engine friendly after the best method, as long as not temporarily move condition, can suggest using 301 to turn the address.
302 redirect: 302 representative temporary shift in northern springtime, many Black Hat SEO once widely used this technique cheating, at present, the major search engines are strengthened a clampdown, like Google to a friend. Com and over the recent BMW German website punishment. Even websites objectively not spam, also can easily be mistaken for search engine easily by spam punishment.
Meta fresh: : this is more popular in 2000 years ago, but now is very rare. The concrete is through a web of meta instructions, in a specific time after redirected to a new page, if the amount of time too short (about 5 seconds), will be judged as spam.
Website 302 redirection use undeserved cause by GOOGLE punishment
A friend. Com net is the biggest commercial search engine and classified catalog to provide professional Business information and renowned, including nearly 19 million pages. If a friend "key words" in Google search, the site of the first rank. But in September 5, friend. Com met a strange things: it's home page by PR8 became PR0 and Google search results to find home page. May be "evaporate" is the home page, but fortunately the next page returned to Google search results, but PR still to 0.
A friend. Com out in its redirection commands. This website for a friend., this kind of com jump to redirect ought to be permanent. We know, 301 redirect belong to permanent and temporary 302 belong to redirect, only when a website or web pages in 24 to 48 hours temporarily moved to another location can use this command. But a friend. Com but incorrectly using "HTTP / 1.1302 Object Moved" status code.
Actually website redirection is very popular, such as not satisfied with the original domain and apply for a new domain, Buy are vulnerable to wrong spelling domain, prevent customers because misspelling URL and find website, etc. However, many people would be caused by using the wrong redirection status code by "destroy standing disaster", as a friend. Com. Despite their redirection reason sufficient and reasonable, however if use undeserved, may be Google mistaken for use multiple domains pointing to the same site, so your site will be blocked, repetition is charged "the content of interference Google search results website ranking". A friend. Com is the best mistakes. But most using the wrong redirection parameters site no soul. Com so lucky, a small redirection may make your website, only from head to erase any: to apply for new domain, redistribute the new website, etc. Remember: Google will never sympathy anyone even inadvertently made mistakes.
The web server response web browsing request processes
Let's try to understand the users/search engines and web site at the beginning of the interactive process. When a user or search engine to a web server send web browsing the request, the server will be:
1. Through the domain name server (DNS) will convert the domain name website IP address, and then return to the customer
2. Open a this IP socket connection
3. Write down through the socket of an HTTP streams
4. A response from a WEB server receives request of HTTP streams. The data stream contains a status code, a status code value determined by the HTTP protocol. What say here "HTTP data stream" information is also called "the Header information (this)". The header information included the date, server types, and usually has a "200 OK" information. If everything is good, so the network server will "200 OK" information and the requested page send out. If a web site at this time has established redirection, then the server will be in the header information contained in a "302 Moved Temporarily" or "301 Moved one as" response information. Search engines will be according to the contents of the server headers information, make a decision.
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