Jujutsu, as a traditional acrobatic family project, known as beyond the limits of human art, jiu-jitsu technique
Maybe people do not understand, but this noun jiu-jitsu probably know some acrobatics has rolled lamp projects such as rolling lamp is a kind of jiu-jitsu, jiu-jitsu affiliated with acrobatic range, with general acrobatics is different, jiu-jitsu more is to pursue person visual perception and human limits, general acrobatics mostly with breathtaking or difficult, complex famous. But jiu-jitsu is passed on the person's pain training is famous, general acrobatics is depend on the human brain limbs training, jiu-jitsu is man's body inside connective tissue ligament passive stretch training, everyone know, ballet dancer can PiCha over, actually training this process is PiCha stoops down to the person's ligaments stretch, only jiu-jitsu required softness than dancers much higher, the outstanding jiu-jitsu actors from 7 mostly began around training, after nearly 10 years to become an excellent jiu-jitsu actor. In training due to passive ligament rip pull, people often have the feeling of pain, and jujutsu training can put their pain to weep aloud, and they want a torn ligament day after day, year after year of persistence, can hold out until the last few such as feather. Therefore said to do this group of people are scarce, which is why jiu-jitsu unknown reason.
Jiu-jitsu actor mostly choose women is because women flexibility than men, and show up look better sexy, but also the rise in recent years for men flexibility of training.
Edit this section Japanese jiu-jitsu technique
Jiu-jitsu technique is a kind of old Japanese martial arts, in Japan generalized refers to the martial arts, again can unarmed refers to the center is to avoid the other's attack spirit power, and translated into uniform enemy technology. Through China entering Japan, where ancient warriors who will it carry forward, create "jiu-jitsu", meaning "with softness" of arts. Jiu-jitsu is said to be the origin of the battlefield fighting since ancient times, when the battle was wearing armor, was originally similar sumo two people of meddling in the form of head, then as technology development, appear twist wrist, elbows, pour body fell, etc. There are many different genres, various flow emphatically in different skills (such as: cast, dropping, anchor, lock, etc.). Modern judo and aikido since jiu-jitsu were evolution.
Jiu-jitsu in ancient times there are a lot of different names like thugs beating, catching, tied with surgery, small enough, boxing, decompression, beg, body of armoured group, etc. One of the champion lance group is wearing armor kumite, small with sufficient means equipment short dao kumite. As for the name is about jujitsu appear only edo period.
Jiu-jitsu origin dates back to around 2000 BC, the popular now Brazilian jujutsu used in many fighting techniques, can be in traditional Chinese kung fu, India, Greece and Egypt fighting skill intraoperative accurate measure, Mesopotamia fight intraoperatie find traces. In fact, in Egypt famous khufu pyramid, there are many frescoes, which depicts the martial arts techniques and modern Brazilian jujutsu prosperity. Some scholars guess: martial arts from the Asian China spreads, by monks and soldiers to all over the world. These fighting techniques become feudal ruler in battlefield use, warrior caste excels grapple skills.
The development of jiu-jitsu
Brazilian jujutsu originated in Japan jujutsu, jiu-jitsu owns a lot of fighting techniques, including dozen, throwing, joint joint-lock and strangulation society skills. "Jujutsu" jiu-jitsu means "soft law", it is suitable for all Japanese martial arts system, "soft" namely using flexibility. Jiu-jitsu features make full use of leverage, rather than rival resistance, than force. Jiu-jitsu practitioners will choose to use technology, allowing the physical bend or exhausted, and will eventually their uniforms. However, in former days jiu-jitsu considered secondary combatives. Because most samurai sword, and will be the first to use sword art as the most important martial arts. Therefore, Japan jiu-jitsu formed a variety of fighting system, their respective reflect part of the most primitive technology and strategy. There are two examples, judo, stresses in fall, And karate tend to emphasize the kick, hit.
In edo period (1603 ~ 1867) and the end of the civil war as Japan, jiu-jitsu became popular. After hundreds of years of war, warriors who have already proficient in martial arts, in war makes more consummate skill. Working-class appeared, jiu-jitsu become daily necessities, many technical begun to apply in daily life, had appeared on the battlefield use of self-defense intraoperative now bet on hall, market, teahouse, use. The 19th century, jiu-jitsu has become forming unarmed combatives, used against armed or unarmed opponent, some focused on the ground wrestling, some attention kicking. Since the 19th century, the country has more than 700 jiu-jitsu affiliation.
The war of jiu-jitsu development had great influence, will fight choreography into the martial arts, and bring the innovation of technology. Due to the lack of real-life opportunities, many jiu-jitsu factions gradually lose the practicability. No war, warrior caste and militancy martial arts, and no longer need, and the rest is just in daily life self-defense resection. Many jiu-jitsu school began to introduce realistic training methods, while the other jujitsu school only closed. After the Meiji Renaissance (1868 ~ 1912), combat nature jujitsu already in Japan almost silencing extermination, making people feel lucky to have several sainted from jujitsu master will save the edge of extinction.
Kano established founded boldly museum judo, is the main draw up and cast giambi back devas really Yang flow bed technical characteristics the technology foundation. Due to the judo not mention interface technology and fall with stand springtail limited use the earth solid skills, so grab by the actual combat turn all born with the Lord fell fall of sports and the limited springtail solid sport. The devas really Yang flow characteristics is the actual combat to capture the "continuous carry fell springtail" and "grab", from fell fall springtail fall technology or stand fell fall to the ground, turn technology began to grab solid technical end, the first scene, achieve captured control purpose.
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