Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Four qingchang detoxification method makes a woman more health

Along with the increasing pollution, the modern people pay more and more attention to their health. The expert points out, only promptly eliminate body harmful material and surplus nutrition, keep clean viscera and in vivo, can we keep the body healthy.
In the human body toxic substances mainly come from two ways: one is the air and water contaminants in, through breathing and dine invades the human body, lead, mercury heavy metals such as aluminum, is its representative; Another is the food in the metabolism of the rubbish, such as h2s, nh3, free radicals. Nowadays, the body clean has already become the healthy and fashionable. However, we toxins from the body actually hiding in where?
Experts found: 80% of the toxins in the intestinal tract, and 20% exist in the blood and lymph pores areas such as the visible, safeguarding the intestinal clean, toxin in the body crisis also solves half, however how exactly do to detoxification qingchang?
A, food qingchang detoxification
1 qingchang trick: eating apples
Expert comments: apple than average fruit fiber content high, and apple also contained some pectin, will make defecate become soft, to defecate helpful but, for those who intestinal problems with the serious people, rely on apple qingchang defecate does not quite apparent.
2 qingchang trick: agaric and yoga
Expert comments: black fungus is also very good clear bowel food, and after drying food under water after inflation, will give intestinal bring more moisture, however, offer to defecate, by a meal auricularia aperient is very difficult, unless with large or auxiliary motion mode, such as yoga helps.
3 qingchang detoxification 8s: vinegar
The prevention and treatment of enteritis and diarrhea because vinegar contains acetate, convergence role, not only can inhibit bacterium is progenitive, even can kill in food part bacteria. Vinegar can change dysentery bacillus partial alkaline environment, and its kill, acidic environment and can cause the garlic sterilization function has been increased to 4 times, so vinegar and garlic insecticides and treatment for dysentery, enteritis effect is more ideal.
3 qingchang trick: hollow drink cold milk
Expert comments: hollow drink ice milk can aperient, a because cold stimulation will accelerate bowel movement, 2 it is milk has plenty of lactose, and more than half Chinese all lack of milk absorption required lactose enzyme so drink milk, lactose without digestion have entered the colon was quickly out of body.
4 qingchang trick: hollow drinking honey
Expert comments: honey contain abundant carbohydrate, can absorb the moisture inside body stay in, benefit bowel because fluctuate fasting eating bowel movement is the fastest, need to remind everybody is, want to use slants cool water blunt honey, because of, too hot or too cold to undermine their nutritive structure.
5 qingchang trick: reduce weight tea
Expert comments: slim-fast has three harm, a long-term drinking will make discoloration of bowel mucosa, Two reduce weight tea damage bowel movement nerve, once stop taking bowel function reverse as before, The substance of the three slim-fast can take away the intestinal originally useful fat-soluble vitamins, time is long skin will become dry
Second, the anus movement qingchang detoxification method
DianJiao accept anus stand, her hands rested on her hips, legs crossed, stand a heel, meanwhile the anus on carry. Lasts 5 seconds, reduction, repeat 10 to 20 times.
Sitting mention anus posture, the feet across, then her hands rested on her hips and stood up, at the same time the anus contraction and bring lasts 5 seconds, then relax sat down, repeat 10 to 20 times.
Clip legs lift anus supine, hip and thigh full-lotus, clamping force, anus slammed on mention that lasts for 5 seconds, can gradually extend the time, repeat Titus anus 10 to 20 times. Bended leg mention anus supine, knees and feet with close hip, arms pig body side, with feet and shoulder support, pelvis, and shrink the anus, lift lasts 5 seconds left reduction, repeat 10 to 20 times.
Three, brine movement qingchang detoxification method
Every morning hollow, quick drink of one dock-glass weak brine, and then double foot and shoulder and neat, erect bosom inspiratory pulled back looked up, too, both hands raised in the overhead cross, body maintain stretchs tight straight state, then slowly jolts waist, hip drink again after 5 minutes of one dock-glass weak brine, and then to the action, so three times, hands down, together in god compartmentallized.the hole, clockwise knead move belly can. Such as halfway there came meaning must empty again continue, the effect is mysterious.
Four, colon hydrotherapy
E. spa idea would be a tube from anal rectum, in half an hours, through the beishan special machine control injection body, wastewater from other end tube eduction body. Injected water will make intestinal lodge and softening, and the intestine produce certain water pressure, be helpful for row jejunum inside accommodation, but this kind of pressure and forcibly bowel than average person when the pressure generated little, so don't feel pain. Each course four to six times, each time about 45 minutes, one year may do 2-3 months of treatment.
Due to the machine-aided, plus artificial auxiliary massaging belly and related meridians, e. spa of intestinal cleaning ability is better than ordinary enema. In general hospitals do, charge at roughly 300 yuan. Pregnant women, frail old, heart disease, recent intestinal surgery, or bowel have acute inflammation such obvious unfavorable illnesses.
Engaged in the large intestine spa professionals, believe that the therapy can be cleared the rubbish inside body, reduce toxin absorption, indirect alleviate liver detoxify and kidney discharges poisonous load, can give e. a recovery function, ecological reconstruction of opportunities. 

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