Today, all NGI in many aspects, such as a great progress has been made in without a loss and low loss data compression technology (MP3 and MP4) reduces the sound, video message to lose the demand for bandwidth, faster, and cheaper access technology also emerge in a large amount, thus make WEB video has become all kinds of new application system and operating system one of the regular application components. The next generation of Internet protocol for IPv6 NGI development also laid a solid foundation. IPv6 by the Internet engineering task force is the latest IP protocol technology research, aiming to replace has brought 20 years of IPv4, it can greatly increase the number of IP address and safety capabilities. At present, already in many U.S. government NGI website gets different degrees of application, believe NGI really approached network all day has is imminent.
The next generation Internet three plan
- the next generation Internet several basic plan put forward and is almost parallel, they are: the White House next generation Internet NGI initiative, the national science foundation (NSF) ultra-high bandwidth network services (VBNS), colleges and enterprises Internet2 of cooperation.
-- ultra-high bandwidth network services (VBNS) : in 1995, the national science foundation VBNS signed with MCI company is five years VBNS cooperation agreement, in April 1995 up into operation, connection 5 super computer center and 100 universities and research institutions. By 2000 VBNS backbone rate will upgrade to 2.5 Gbit/s.
Internet2:1996 - October 1, some American research institutions and 34 university in Chicago, and puts forward the party representatives to develop new generation of Internet, named "Internet2" to provide high-speed Internet service ideas. In September 1997, senior Internet development cooperation group (VCAID) established to Internet2 and help other management joint organization. The establishment of Internet2 not instead of the Internet, nor for ordinary users new another network for education and scientific research, but.
-- the White House next generation Internet: Internet2, the United States government immediately after put on October 6, the White House announced NGI organization initiative. In 1997, research institutions have demonstrates five "prophase application". NGI plan research work mainly involves agreement, development deployment, high-end test nets and application demonstration. Some of the goals will through VBNS Internet2 or to realize. NGI plan in 3 initiative plans is the most advanced. It's a key goal is to develop and demonstrate in two trials nets, end-to-end rate than the current Internet respectively 1,000 times faster 100 and 100Mbit/s, achieve namely with 1Gbit/s.
The next generation Internet goal
- the next generation Internet has wide application, support health care, national security, distance education, energy research, biological medicine, environmental monitoring, manufacturing engineering and emergency emergency response and crisis management, it is directly and application two aspects goals.
The direct target:
- 1, make connecting the university and national laboratory high-speed network transmission rate than existing Internet fast 100 ~ 1000 times; Its rate can be in 1s inside transmission a encyclopedia britannica.
-- 2, promote the next generation Internet technology experiment research, as well as study some technology makes the Internet can provide high quality service to the meeting, real TV.
- three, developing new applications to meet the needs of national key project.
Application target:
- 1, in medical care to let people get the best diagnostic medical, separate medical up-to-date achievements.
-- 2, in education aspect to through the virtual library and virtual laboratory to improve the teaching quality.
- three, in environmental monitoring through virtual world on various fronts to provide services; In engineering through all sorts of modelling system and simulation system shorten new product development time.
-- 4, in scientific research through the widespread NGI collaboration to improve research efficiency, etc.
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