Monday, October 24, 2011

Add energy to the best of 11 kinds of food

Physical exercise is little not need plenty of stamina, if you feel weak, even if be sleepy straws., fitness effects will not. The famous" people" magazine introduced 11 contribute to the increased energy super food, eat more conduce to better exercise.
1 Wheat
Wheat production of food, such as whole wheat bread, wheat starch, protein, fat, rich in minerals, calcium, iron, thiamin, riboflavin, nicotinic acid and vitamin A.
2 almond
Sleep eat some almonds, can add strength, they are rich in protein, unsaturated fatty acids, vitamins, inorganic salts, dietary fiber and trace elements needed by the human body, with the lungs, stomach and other effects, or natural anticancer active substances, especially on the human body during pregnancy, maternal added strength are very helpful, is a very good natural supplements.
3 apricot
Chewing 3-5 gold fresh or dried apricots, can complement the natural sugar, the body can quickly feel the benefits of it. Apricot fruit nutrition is rich, contain a variety of organic ingredients and the human body necessary vitamins and inorganic salts, is a kind of high nutritional value of fruit, but also has small toxic apricots, not eat too much.
4 oat
The breakfast cereal is a common ingredient, it is not surprising, because the oat calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamin E, vitamin B, protein content is very high. Oat is conducive not only to the skin, relieve the pressure and alleviate fatigue.
5 broccoli
Broccoli 's most famous efficacy of anti-cancer, however, it is good to add energy food, containing fiber, folic acid, vitamin A and C, potassium and other ingredients, is among the most nutritious vegetables.
6 Brown Rice
Brown rice is more difficult than ordinary rice cooking, however, it can make you feel more satisfied, also on digestive problems is beneficial. Brown rice shell after still retaining latch some outer layer of the tissue, such as the cortex, aleurone layer and germ. The outer layer of the tissue contains rich nutrition, rice richer than many vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, it has been considered as a healthy food.
7 small lentil
The lentil seed protein containing about 25%, 0.7% fat, 60% carbohydrates and vitamins and mineral nutrients, provides protein and soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol, its iron content is other beans two times, including vitamin B and folic acid content was also higher, dark lentils pigment in has the role of antioxidants, can prevent heart disease and cancer, anti-aging.
8 sesame
Edible sesame easier, more importantly, sesame seed contains a lot of fat, protein, dietary fiber, vitamins, calcium, iron, magnesium and other nutrients, suitable for liver and kidney deficiency caused by dizziness, vertigo, backache, leg is soft, to eat.
9 spinach
Vigorously seaman spinach can become strong not create out of nothing, in fact, spinach is rich in iron, the most suitable for the salad, because if cooking may let the body to absorb iron. Spinach contains carotene, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus and a certain amount of iron, vitamin E and other useful components, to supply the body with a variety of nutrients, spinach trace elements contained in the material, the human body can promote the new supersedes the old.
10 walnut
Walnuts are enriched with calcium, zinc, iron and protein, is a good supplement energy sources. . walnuts contain more protein and human nutrition essential unsaturated fatty acid, the content is the important matter of brain tissue cell metabolism, nourish the brain cells, enhancing brain function. When you feel tired, chewing some walnuts, can alleviate fatigue and pressure.
11 bean sprouts
The bean is known as "the most has the vitality, pure, nutrient-rich foods" than before germination, bean sprouts, not only appearance changed, its composition has also undergone a series of biochemical reactions, nutrition value and nutrient utilization rate are greatly increased, for example, dry beans basically do not contain vitamin C, but germination of bean sprouts after vitamin C content increased significantly.

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