Mesh network is a wireless mesh network"," it is a wireless multi-hop network, is provided by the ad hoc network development, it is to solve " the last kilometer" problem is one of the key technology. In a next generation network evolution process, wireless is an indispensable technology. Wireless mesh can be associated with other network cooperative communication. Is a dynamic can be continuously extended network architecture, any two equipment can keep the wireless internet.
Mesh WLAN network than single hop networks is more stable, this is because in data communications, network performance and not rely only on one of the node. In the traditional single hop wireless networks, if the fixed AP fails, then the network in all wireless devices can communicate. In Mesh network in the AP, if a node failure occurs, it can be to choose a AP communication, data can still be high speed to reach their destinations. From the physical point of view, the wireless communication means the communication distance is short, the communication effect will be better. Because as the communication distance of growth, wireless signal will not only weaken but will interfere with each other, thereby reducing the data communication efficiency. In Mesh network, so a shorter wireless network connection instead of long distance connection, thereby ensuring data with high rate between nodes in rapid transfer . Mesh technology can make the WLAN installation deployment of network expansion, many manufacturers are more convenient. Introduced a feature-rich Mesh products, thus making the deployment of large-scale carrier grade wireless metropolitan area networks become possible. ( specific Mesh techniques that can refer to the relevant manufacturers of technical documentation. ) for example: Strix D The MA protocol ( Strix Dynamic Mesh Architecture TM, dynamic mesh architecture ), so that a wireless access point with automatic configuration of the network, and the network efficiency characteristics. With self-organization, self-healing, updating dynamic network connection, ensuring network security and so on.
Wireless mesh network ( WMN ) based on IP access technology is facing new wireless mobile communication technology, suitable for regional environmental coverage and high speed broadband wireless access. Wireless Mesh networks based on distributed wireless access point to the many mutual cooperation and coordination, with high speed and high spectral efficiency advantage, with dynamic self organization, self configuration, maintenance and other prominent features, therefore, the wireless Mesh technology and the network of research and development and application of wireless mobile communication, becomes the current hot topic, particularly in the future mobile communication system in long-term evolution ( LTE ), the wireless Mesh technology and the network became the center of attention. Ansinet access network wireless Mesh network technology has the following advantages of many there is nothing comparable to this:
A, no single point of failure
Two, fast, flexible networking networking
In three, high performance and non line of sight propagation
In four, high-speed mobile support
In five, with the existing network fusion
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