Friday, January 21, 2011

Honey on the muscle recovery function

Honey in addition to raise colour, defecating function outside, in the recovery of muscle also play an important role. Previous research proves, in severe weight training, complement some carbohydrates and protein can enhance muscle to restore the effect. The latest research proves, in numerous carbohydrates in honey best effect.

Responsible for research of American mann benfica at brandeis university sports nutrition lab director Richard? Clay, points out that the key is dr DE honey can in training after two hours helps the body to maintain high standards of the blood sugar level.

Blood sugar is contained in the blood glucose, it is human body main source of power. Blood glucose concentration is too low, will appear hypoglycemia, seriously affecting the normal human life activities. Therefore, after training to maintain high blood glucose levels, on muscle recovery is most important. While carbohydrates is the main source of glucose, which is why in supplement protein while also added carbohydrates.

Glaring question is weight training experience increases insulin secretion and to promote protein metabolism. And when the body's insulin levels rise, blood sugar will fall subsequently, so if you want to maintain high blood glucose levels are not easy.

The researchers to 39 an athlete has been conducted, and they are in severe weight training immediately after the supplement protein and carbohydrates. With is carbohydrates, some people added sugar, some supplementary maltodextrin, others supplement honey. As a result, only the drinking honey as the group after training in two hours to maintain the ideal blood sugar, and these people hormone level also prove their muscles in the ideal recover.

The bodybuilder and strong and handsome lovers is an exciting news, because like honey so cheap and widely available food than on the market after all those expensive nourishment effect is better.

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