Thursday, June 16, 2011

Systolic Blood Pressure

Systolic blood pressure is when the heart contracts, the pressure in the arteries, at this time the pressure of the highest inner called systolic blood pressure, also called a high pressure. According to the world health organization regulations, adult systolic blood pressure acuity 140 mmHg or (and) diastolic pressure acuity 90 mmHg can be diagnosed with high blood pressure when. More than 120 mmHg called ideal systolic blood pressure, more than 130 mmHg called systolic blood pressure normal blood pressure, between 130 and 140, called the between critical hypertension. The unit of blood pressure for mpa, 1000 palmer = 0.133 mmHg.
Blood pressure classification
Systolic blood pressure (pressure) : when the heart contracts, intake of blood from the ventricle to produce the lateral pressure of the blood vessel walls, when blood pressure most; At this time the pressure of the wall, also say the high pressure called systolic blood pressure.
Diastolic blood pressure (low pressure) : is the heart end-diastolic, blood temporarily stop intake, it flows into the artery artery blood vessel wall on the elastic and tension, continue to flow of blood vessel wall, still have pressure, then the blood pressure called diastolic blood pressure. Also called a low pressure.
According to the world health organization regulations, adult systolic blood pressure acuity 160 mmHg kPa (21.3) can be diagnosed when for high blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure more than 140 mmHg kPa (18.6) called normal blood pressure, between the two, known as the critical between high blood pressure; The so-called low blood pressure, it is to point to of arterial blood pressure systolic blood pressure below 12000 palmer (90 millimeters of mercury). Different age paragraph, different gender differences have different.
Clinical significance
Systolic blood pressure in clinical significance is great, have a high blood pressure called systolic blood pressure is on the high side disease, is refers to the normal diastolic blood pressure, and increased in hypertension, systolic blood pressure of various types, systolic blood pressure, the most common, and increased more difficult to control. Clinical observation found, along with the age and performance of simple systolic blood pressure increased, occurred more acute stroke and coronary events. This helps the doctor will pay more attention to the patient's systolic blood pressure.
In recent years, a large number of epidemiology, evidence-based medicine and clinical research proves, systolic hypertension brings the harmfulness than diastolic blood pressure may be more big. The so-called isolated systolic hypertension, systolic blood pressure is to point to: 140 millimeters of mercury, and diastolic pressure is not high (less than 90 millimeters of mercury) with essential hypertension.
Even if diastolic pressure is not high, if systolic blood pressure for 160 ~ 179 millimeters of mercury, should be considered moderate high blood pressure; Systolic blood pressure acuity 180 millimeters of mercury is severe hypertension, and should press this same combined with the risk factors for the corresponding with the treatment.
For no risk factors shall systolic blood pressure control in 140 millimeters of mercury the following; For with diabetes or kidney disease patients with simple systolic hypertension, systolic blood pressure control should be in 130 millimeters of mercury below.
Increases with age, systolic blood pressure become more important. In the 50 years of age, systolic blood pressure more than 140 adults millimeters of mercury, is more important than diastolic blood pressure of cardiovascular disease risk factor. 

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