Using a microprocessor or a few large scale integrated circuit consisting of a central processor. The circuit performs a control unit and an arithmetic / logic unit function. Microprocessor with traditional central processor is compared, has the advantages of small volume, light weight and easy the advantages of modular. The microprocessor basic components: a register stack, computing device, a timing control circuit, and a data and address bus. The microprocessor to complete the instruction fetch, execute instructions, as well as with external memory and logic parts exchange information such as operation, is the microcomputer control part. It can be associated with a memory and a peripheral circuit chip microcomputer.
Brief introduction
Since the mankind since the invention of the transistor in 1947, 50 years of semiconductor technology has undergone silicon transistor, integrated circuit, very large scale integrated circuit, very large scale integrated circuit and so on several generation, development speed is other industry does not have. Semiconductor technology to the society as a whole has widespread influence, so it is called " the seed industry". The central processor refers to the internal computer for data processing and control the processing parts, accompanied by large-scale integrated circuit technology is developing rapidly, more and more high integrated density, CPU can be integrated on a semiconductor chip, which has a central processor function of the large-scale integrated circuit devices, are collectively referred to as " microprocessor".
Today, the microprocessor has everywhere, whether recorders, intelligent washing machine, mobile phone and other home appliances, or the vehicle's engine control, and CNC machine tools, precision guidance, missile to be embedded in different types of microprocessor. The microprocessor is not only a microcomputer core components, but also all kinds of digital and intelligent equipment of the key components. The giant ultra-high-speed computer, computer and other high-end computing system also used a lot of common high performance microprocessor built.
Editor this paragraph.
The microprocessor by the arithmetic logic unit ( ALU, Arithmetic Logical Unit ); the accumulator and the general register set; the program counter ( also called the instruction pointer); the timing and control logic unit; the data and address latch / buffer; the internal bus.
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