Believe a lot of girls have snack hobby, especially sweets. Do not eat, but can not eat snacks ... ... , which is a lot of people. But the wrong snacks often make people fat, since it can not eat snacks, then choose the health, diet snack bar.
Senior weight management consulting experts said, as long as reasonable selection of snacks, but also contribute to weight loss.
1 of water is the best drink. Really want to eat snacks? To confirm their thirst -- is it right? Because it feels very similar and hungry. A drink of water, wait 10 minutes, have a look whether still have a sense of hunger. A portable water bottle, maintain adequate drinking water, means that you will not be confused with dehydration and starvation.
2 garbage or high fat food can't be snacks. The most typical is the McDonald's, Kentucky Fried chicken French fries, chicken etc.. After frying, giant high heat. If you have in these fast food restaurants to eat what, fruit salad is the best choice.
3 low sugar fruit, such as apples, pears, or strawberry.
4 carry a number of healthy and delicious" snack bag bag" or nuts. Mixed flavor of almonds, pumpkin seeds and nuts -- fists a this fruit is equivalent to a small meal, should let you in one or two hours to maintain good energy. This kind of food can be easily put into a small plastic zipper bag.
5 super healthy food is cherry, tomato, cucumber, celery, and carrot.
6 carry some weight management recommended fruit or some chocolate bar. Are packaging, to control weight.
7 do some air popcorn, and fell into a sealed container.
8 homemade fruit salad. Like the fruit clean peeled, cut into small pieces, mix with their own like salad dressing ... ... , is economical and affordable, and delicious diet.
9 office eating snacks is not convenient? As long as the ready ahead of time, can be completely. For example, in a small box, into the carry-on bag.
10 a pack of cellulose powder is a good choice. Some people don't like boiling water and white, although it is the best drink. It may be some cellulose electuary. Not only can increase the feeling of fullness, the dietary fiber supplement, but also conducive to weight loss.
Need to avoid snacks: raisin, cooked bananas, as well as general unhealthy candies or higher salt content snacks, such as cakes, cookies and chips.
Snacking advice : the need to remember just eating snacks, you really need to how much to eat, don't eat a meal, to cultivate a habit. Clear thinking, he is really hungry, or just ate to kill the boring.
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